Title: Winter Olympic Games RIO 2098 - Code: da451Contest: Rio de Janeiro / 2013
By: Daniele Tiburzi - Maurizio Vellucci
Views: 4118 Likes: 0
Alejandro Zaera-Polo 5 Jeffrey Inaba 8 Jeroen Koolhaas 2 Hernan Diaz Alonso 1 Cristiano Toraldo di Francia 7 Pedro Rivera 64.8
Winter Olympic Games RIO 2098
Application for Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games // Rio de Janeiro 2098 To the International Olympic Committee // Dear Committee, Our goal for Rio 2098 is the achievement of the first edition of the Olympic Games in a post-equatorial metropolis after climate change in the second half of the XXII century. Climate change has given a strong and new impulse to the city, offering a decisive opportunity for development and change in city remembered historically for its social inequalities. The resilient population of Rio was able to ride the winds of climate change and perform radical changes in its customs without losing native traditions or getting caught in the past. Now,the vast, serene skiing area, built over thirty years ago, cucoons the city, deliberately embodying a transformation from past endless favelas that encapsulated Rio encapsulating in a world of human struggle. The Rio 2098 project bases its roots on this concept: evolution from a difficult, shared memory towards a global city of the future. As a determining feature, the proposal for Rio2098 contains an ethical deal that renews strategic and systematic relationships between the great metropolis and the surrounding mountain area. Deep historical ties with the mountains and the city’s embedded location make Rio a real “capital” of the mountains. No other city is surrounded by such an extraordinary range of mountains like Tijuca Park. It is a natural heritage that should be developed with care and intelligence – a duty redefined that accounts for social heritages as well as economic and cultural rights. The Games will be a transition for the entire community, a new “social” humanism that leaves the area a legacy for development and a fresh, modern identity. Thoughout history, the Olympics have often represented an opportunity for an urban improvement on a wide scale, having an obvious impact on the structures of host cities. Rio will be an example of a brand new production process. The harmony between urban and environment,modern and historical will contribute to a revolutionary redevelopment scheme that will raise this special sporting occassion to new heights. Activities will take place entirely along the slopes of the mountains that surround Rio and inside the grand ice-rink built for the occassion in the center of the city. The opportunities provideded herein not only serve as a spring-board for a vision of territorial transformation but also as a potential epicentre for wide-spread strategic, economic and political concordance. Rio 2098 will establish a new philosophy of development for this city; and in true national spirit, as the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Brazil decrees, the essential values of human dignity, economic development and environmental conservation will be championed internationally in the context of this grand sporing spectacle. // Mayor of Rio de Janeiro // President of the Organising Committee for Rio2098: Winter Olympic Games
Title: Winter Olympic Games RIO 2098
Time: 4 agosto 2013
Category: Rio de Janeiro
Views: 4118 Likes: 0
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