
Title: INFLATABLE - Code: S6T2Q9
Contest: PFFF / 2012
By: E. Nava Trujillo , M. Nosti Brizuela - C. Lera Silva

Views: 3355 Likes: 1





“…in every case we are concerned with something marked by three characteristics: (1) it is to the highest degree light; (2) it is in motion; (3) it is a vector of informaction.” I. Calvino


Our project tries to deliver an important fact, this is an evolving function within a changing form, this inflatable structure is dependant of the site, in it’s best changing under the characteristics of the available architectural space; it doesn´t matter if we fill the object with air and chain it to the surroundings, or inflating it with helium to unlish the cover, letting the weather do it’s thing, we think even keeping the cover away during a nice sunny day. This is living architecture… this project is the blended result of a recicled PVC pavillion and recicling the actual architectonic space.


“The atmosphere we live in bears on each of us a 20,000 pounds pressure… (but) do we feel it? K. Marx


Ours is a limpet… it will manage it’s own way to deliver the function, transforming and deforming, climbing or floating, grabbing itself to any available architecture, never mind the weights, people, users are the ones to keep this object ground-tied.


“By changing space, by leaving the space of one’s usual sensibilities, one enters in communication with a space that is physically innovating. For we do not change place, we change our nature.” G. Bachelard


Our goal is to make people read through this project something “happening” inside it whenever it’s inflated; as we do when we see a group of people lifting a circus carp, the action of inflating the pavillion may result a joyful event as it´s essence.


The pavillion can be either attached to walls, structures or poles; in a complete stage it has to have the three rings inflated, but it can also be programmed with at least the ground level ring, the center of this basic structure is supposed to have an inflating device, so as users walk through it will also be inflating the object, this doesn’t mean the object can’t be machine-pumped.


The second and third rings are designed for weather protection, the height to be lifted is determined by the site and surroundings, and also by the program, the requirements of each event will solve how tall the PVC building will raise.


The inner part of the ground-ring has its own fused sitting spaces, for we think the project must not use chairs or any other kind of furniture other than the perimeter itself.


To resume: Our proposal for this pavillion is understood as a “Modern Agora”, where the center of the event configures the flock and at the same time the pavillion’s facade prevails omnipresent.


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Time: 25 gennaio 2012
Category: PFFF
Views: 3355 Likes: 1

Tags: Business , Colonization , E. Nava Trujillo , Fernando Tissone , Inflatable , P. J. C. Orozco , Polyvinyl chloride , PVC , Space , Technology