Title: SOCIAL BRIDGES - Code: S9U4R6Contest: Venice / 2011
By: R. Poblete / M. Mejia
Views: 2574 Likes: 0
Venice is a city created through the bridging together of various islands. This island system was once what limited the growth of the city but it has as well created a separate advantageous situation the creation of social as well as transport canals. These canals are the heart and soul of the cities transportation network. A major issue however is that as the city grew it grew to have limited pathways along these networks for various reasons one specifically is that there wasn t the support system there to maintain the extra reclaimed spaces.
The most important thing of any intervention is to protect the city against the rising tides. As part of this the social bridges network would be built to create a barrier against the rising tides of the Adriatic Sea. In order to achieve this the projects objective it to integrate into the existing landscape while slopping up to hold back increased water height. The last Acqua Alta was more than 1.93 meters high. In order to adjust to the changing landscape the Commune of Venice and the Italian Government has come together to create the MOSE project. The end result would be to protect Venice from as much as 3 meters of water. This project however proposes that the network itself reach heights as high as 5 meters this project proposes a move towards the elimination of instant access at the first level.
The entry would in the end create a barrier to the canal but a new elevated protected pathway for the citizens and the cities social life along with spaces for new social activities. To the buildings however this will provide new spaces for social events along with the assurance that even while the waters rise the building and the city will be protected. An important problem that plagues Venice is the rampant pollution. Dumping into the Lagoon has been slowly drown down over the years there are however still violations. In order to address the pollution and the air quality We propose another part of this project be the addition of wetlands and the return of marshland plants in order to clean and purify the water in the area. This would have the added benefit of the water becoming more likely a place for people to socialize and be a part of. The past has shown that water was considered merely a convent and free infrastructure.
It has however over the years become the city s worst enemy. In achieving an ecological balance by creating a lung and liver for the city this dynamic would change into one where water becomes an essential part of the preservation and continuity of the city. In Venice the population of the city is constantly having to adjust itself to two situations. One being the increased population of tourists the other being the continual loss of social spaces for the local population to things ranging from markets for tourists restaurants for tourists to the inevitable museum for tourists. What is missing and what is needed are spaces which give the population a sense of pride in themselves and their culture. Spaces that create social situations which keep communities together and keep happy. Giving the population a sense of direction and purpose. These spaces can be placed along and as a part of the considerations placed on this network.
We see this network as being a put together in cooperation between the local communities and the city government creating something uniquely a part of the city. The bridges however are predetermined parts of the network as well as the areas that are created for transport. These will fall under the administration of the city. The over all construction of the project however will be given to the city in combination of private industry. Lastly creating a base and center for the project is paramount. In creating new towers or spires through out the Venice island chain Venice citizens as well as Italians would be given access to a new area for living which is protected as well as designed to be a self sustaining infrastructure.
The towers are designed to be solar as well as use wind turbines which are placed through out the building in places were the building is cut away and vegetation intervenes. The lower level of the towers as well as various other spaces are designed to be given to the population as places for new social activities and even the extension of present life. Social life along with culture and nature are what make a city great merely concerning ones self with the monetary value of every action as well as being driven to gain capital will not sustain a city through the ages. A strong society has always shown to be the cornerstone of survival.
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Time: 6 giugno 2011
Category: Venice
Views: 2574 Likes: 0
Tags: Acqua alta , Adriatic Sea , Environment , Mejia , New York City , Poblete , Population , Scripps Institution of Oceanography , Venice , Water