
Title: Boat-in Park on the water - Code: V7Y5R9
Contest: Venice / 2011
By: J. Kondo

Views: 2701 Likes: 1




Boat-in Park on the water

Boat-in Park on the water The proposal is a green-roofed boat park on the water in front of Piazza San Marco. The park is accessible only to boat owners, who are equally real residents in Venice, as in the car free city, they are likely to have boat licenses rather than driving ones. The opportunity to spend time on a boat in the special location of Venice, with sunlight through the trees, distanced from the tourist’s attraction, gives a sense of privilege of living in Venice to the real residents, and that would enhance and regenerate the uniqueness of Venetian on-water culture.

Distorted Ring

The ring shape of the roof is distorted to obtain various sizes of space for different numbers of boating groups. In the middle of the park, created by the shape, there is an on-water courtyard, which gives a sense of semi-private space, only shared with the park users. Not to block views from the ring, no physical wall is constructed under the ring so that any boats can get through the ring, and also the shape allows boats to access freely from any sides of the park. This park does not have a landing zone, which let a group of boats make its own space.

Green Roof System

The park is mainly made of circular roof which are supported by numbers of piles and one lighthouse. The roof is covered with halophyte plants which has a tolerance to salt water. The plants grow in hanged pots and spread their leaves on the roof. A water tank is located inside the lighthouse, and plants are watered from the tank.


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Title: Boat-in Park on the water

Time: 6 giugno 2011
Category: Venice
Views: 2701 Likes: 1

Tags: Boat , Business , Green roof , Kondo , Park , Piazza San Marco , Roof , Venice , Water